Turning Point NI is a mental health hub for those experiencing any form of mental crisis. Turning Point NI is n organisation within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust aiming to reduce the intensity of suicide and self-harming behaviours within the area; promoting positive mental wellbeing; resilience and support to families who have been bereaved by suicide.


Latest News

Massive Thank you

Turning Point NI would like to say a massive thank you to the community and Mitchell/McDowell family for their generous donation of £1557 on behalf of the late Chloe Mitchell

Firmus Energy charity partner

We are delighted to be chosen as firmus energy charity partner! We look forward to working together! https://www.loveballymena.online/post/ballymena-based-turning-point-ni-announced-as-firmus-energy-s-charity-partner?fbclid=IwAR0jz-1cfiXuIThRNeOc7D1K_XsW4JIBiBAMXv7t6qkXXNa2PY4Xy1rmWxM

Get in Touch

Monday - Friday – 9am-5pm Drop in service available during these hours.

Find us at the office

62 Mill Street. Ballymena. BT43 5AF

Give us a ring

028 2564 8229
Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm

Please make sure to include at least one contact method if using the form below